
The other New Zealand literary journal

Category: News

brief needs help with this website!

Durer Wheel of Fortune/ Ship of FoolsAs you can tell by the out-of-date state of our website, brief is in need of some help.

We are looking for volunteers to update the website with news of publications, events, launches, and et cetera. No web design skills necessary, familiarity with wp an advantage.

Unfortunately the only payment for this, like anything to do with brief,  is the satisfaction of knowing you are magnanimously helping an interesting journal.

If this sounds like you, please drop us a line.

Central Auckland Poets: Poetry in the Garden

Poetry in the Garden

What: 45 page chapbook featuring the work of new poetry group CAP (Central Auckland Poets)

Who:  Michael Giacon, Gillian Roach, Alexandra Fraser, Lincoln Jaques, Denise O’Hagan.
Chapbook designed by Anna Marshall and published by CAPpress.


to open the gate to the beautiful garden
open the gate

While stocks last!

Issue 56 Looking for a copy of brief 56? If you don’t get one from us, you can find brief at the following retailers: Unity Books Auckland, Vic Books Wellington, Unity Books Wellington, Volume One Nelson, Unity Online.

© 2025 brief