Special issue: Love
Edited by Olivia Macassey. 136pp.
Featuring work by: John Adams, Nick Ascroft, Cassandra Atherton, Stu Bagby, Cassandra Barnett, Iain Britton, Isaac Brodie, Berengaria Burns, Stephanie Christie, Mary Cresswell, David Lyndon Brown, Rene Harrison, Ted Jenner, Matt Kelly, Robert Kempen, Sid Khanzode, Harvey Molloy, Janet Newman, Piet Nieuwland, Keith Nunes, Sugu Pillay, Vaughan Rapatahana, Sean Redmond, Jack Ross, Carin Smeaton, Ruby Solly, Fiona Stevens, Richard Taylor, Richard von Sturmer, Bill Wolak, Mark Young.
Reviews: Michael Onslow-Osbourne reviews Carbon Shapes and Dark Matter by Stephanie Christie; Olivia Macassey reviews Song of the Ghost in the Machine by Roger Horrocks.
“Love, exciting and new/ Come aboard, we’re expecting you” (Paul Williams, Love Boat Theme)